Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Promote Products free essay sample

1. 1 Choose a product or service that could be promoted. Explain how and why you would promote that product or service. Identify at least three types of personnel you could use to help you plan and organise the promotion. What role would they play? How would their skills and experience help you? At work we are currently promoting our GPS products. We have chosen to promote these via direct marketing and by targeting certain business types. I liaised with our sales consultants, who talk to these people on a daily basis, to advise on what language should be used and what information they felt was most relevant to put across. We needed a graphic designer to create and develop ideas for the letters and DL flyers being sent. I also needed to involve juniors in the business to assist with folding letters and stuffing envelopes as we had determined that this would be a cheaper option for the business than using a mail house. We will write a custom essay sample on Promote Products or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1. 2 Make a list of resources you would need for the promotion and identify where you could get them. Explain any actions you would need to take in order to have the resources ready for promotion. The database we purchased contained 7,000 leads so we then needed to purchase paper, envelops, ink, return stamps and organise postage. Paper, envelopes and labels for return address were all ordered in advance from Staples. Ink was also pre-ordered to ensure we didn’t run out during the print job. We then liaised with Australia Post to determine the best way to post this number of letters. We chose their â€Å"clean mail† option which meant having to mark each envelope with a pre paid stamp before taking to the post office. This stamp was purchased through Australia Post.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Writing Ideas for Persepolis Essay Example

Writing Ideas for Persepolis Essay Example Writing Ideas for Persepolis Essay Writing Ideas for Persepolis Essay Form Purpose Audience Language How to use the text Reflective expository essay To explore the ideas of the prompt and consider different ways of looking at conflict. General adult audience, teacher, peers Sophisticated, formal with some personal reflection, switching between 1st and 3rd person. Descriptive anecdotes. Experiences of particular characters or events can be contrasted with other real life events or personal experiences. Feature Article on the effect of war on women for a weekend section of The age (or International Womens Day edition) To explore how women experience war, focusing on the Ideas of the romp Readers of the publication who are Interested In womens Issues and war. Sophisticated and interesting vocabulary, descriptive anecdotes. Shorter paragraphs, varied sentences. Mostly third person, but some 1st. Emotive language and imagery. Refer to Manners experience in Iran, Discuss Islamic revolution in Iran, interview Marine: compare to other situations where women have been oppressed; Mammal: Compare to personal freedoms of Australian women. Feature Article about the role of protest in conflicts. To consider how and why conflict is changed by protest and resistance, as the romp guides Readers of the publication who are interested in protest As above Discuss different types of protest and resistance seen throughout the film. Compare to other historical and current examples of resistance and protest: Russians anti-gay laws, civil rights; Treatment of Asylum Seekers etc. Interview with the film maker, Marine Sarasota, to be published in Life and Style Saturday Age. To understand why she made the film and what she wanted to say about the conflict she experienced Readers of the publication, viewers of the film. Transcript or descriptive interview. Questions, Interjections by interviewer, ascriptions of the experience, direct quotations. Explicitly discuss particular parts of the film; consider explanations that are not In the film. Transcript of a TV Interview of three different people who have experienced war Persuasive Speech for International Womens Day Breakfast Or Opinion Piece along similar lines To persuade students and parents that we have a duty to help oppressed women who cannot speak for themselves Austria To explore the motivations and reasons, as relevant to the prompt. A final letter before she dies from Manners Grandmother to Marine expressing her win experiences of conflict and how she views Marine Dialogue of a conversation between Marine and God as an adult Speech from Uncle Anxious about why he resisted the Shah Internal Monologue of Manners father, Ebb Sarasota, as he watches his daughter leave for the first time. Letter, Journal entry, internal monologue from Uncle Anxious explaining what he has learnt from his experience before he is executed Revolutionary speech from another student in response to Manners speech about double standards at University Marine speaking to her own grandchild about what she learnt about herself through her teenage conflict.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Simulation Game (Individual Report) Essay

Business Simulation Game (Individual Report) - Essay Example ment of a foot-wear company operating in Europe-Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and North America and the strategic decisions that the virtual company has made from its Year 10 to Year 15 of operation. The company operates in four different geographical areas; Europe-Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and North America. This means the company operates in different political atmospheres. It thus has to deal with the problems and challenges of political ambiguities and turbulence. In order to create a political environment that is amenable to our business, we have pursued political risk management strategies. We have taken advantage of the growing global awareness and entered into the global market. As globalization leads to more business opportunities for our company, we have to change the roles of the business game and strategize accordingly with the changing dynamics. We appreciate that different organizational players and settings shape our business opportunities through different public policy processes in the locales that host our operations. Before settling on any particular strategy to take control of the political uncertainty, our company further considered the High Involvement Strategy. This involved contemplating the possibility of expending great resources and developing a more elaborate strategy. The strategy would be geared towards effecting the political environment in ways that would yield maximum returns to our efforts. Using this strategy, the company did not abandon the idea of networking with other similar-minded firms. Instead of coalition with like-minded firms to gain scale, the strategy would be for diverse parties to gain scope. All companies, organizations and agencies are potential members of the High Involvement Strategy. The strategy would include networking of regional, local, national, political, economic and social actors. Through frequent communication and contact, the network behaves like an information-gathering device that